Window Chalkboard Makeover

Window Makeover

Ready for another redesigned treasure from my parent’s house? I only hope I can own a home with as many treasures as my parents have one day!

Here’s how it started: A couple of months ago Brandon and I had the joy of helping my parents unload hay bales at the barn. “Many hands make light work” could never be truer—especially in regards to stacking hay bales!

After 100 bales were unloaded and stacked, my parents treated us to a restaurant breakfast of delicious waffles, eggs, and bacon.  On the way home from the restaurant we decided to stop by the outdoor flea market. This particular day there was a lovely vendor selling refurbished items, among them some upcycled windows!

My mom and I were looking at all of the items and she casually mentioned that they had some old windows that I could look through if I wanted to make something like what we were looking at. Cha-ching! Why pay $$$ when you can make it yourself?! Sometimes, I admit, I should just pay the money—life would be so much easier! Maybe when I have three kids and zero time I’ll reconsider making everything myself……maybe…


This window has been hiding in my parent’s shed for years since they replaced all of the windows in the house (that were originally installed in 1906!). This particular window was located in the computer room—a room at the back of the house overlooking the mountains. I know that it has seen some beautiful sunsets!

I kept this window in my garage for a bit trying to figure out what to do with it.  Finally, I realized that I always write our weekly menu on a pad of paper on the fridge—why not make it a little cuter (and environmentally friendly?!)?  Here’s what I came up with!



  • An old window—glass panes still intact
  • Sandpaper
  • Glass Chalkboard paint  (read back label to make sure it will stick to glass if you can’t find chalkboard paint specifically for glass)
  • White paint (optional)
  • Colored paint
  • Paintbrush
  • Painters tape
  • D-ring hooks

DSCN05301. Clean and sand window frame until smooth.

DSCN05292. Paint a layer of white paint as a primer (only one coat is needed).

3. After white paint dries, apply 2 coats of your colored paint.  I used: Martha Stewart “Beach Glass”—high gloss.

Martha Stewart Beach Gloss4. Sand edges, if desired, to let white paint and wood show through.

5. Tape off window frame with painters tape.  Paint 2+ coats with chalkboard paint in straight lines.


6. Let dry. Paint permanent words onto the Chalkboard (optional). Add 2 D-ring hooks to the back (one on each side) and hang on wall!

Kitchen Chalkboard


See the hole in the side of the window? That’s where the weight went to hold the window up when opened–isn’t that neat?

Do you like my new Menu and Reminder board? I wonder what treasure I’ll find next…!

DSCN0588 Window Makeover

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